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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Diet W-1

Week 1 after the start of my diet

Truthfully I didn't really stick with the consumption requirement of 610 cal. I figured, you know what? I will just slowly ease up to it. So I decided to eat less than 1000cal first. I ate mainly of vegetables and fruits. For protein consumption: Eggs and chicken. HOWEVER, I did work out everyday for a week now, consuming at least 1000 cal. so truthfully I think is fine. LOL

So after a week of trying I've lost 1kg. :D It took a lot of.... guts. For exercise I've jumped 3000 times. LOL! Some would think that this is alot, some won't. For the first three days It took me at least on hour to jump 3000 now i can easily jump 3000 in 45min. So for the next week I'm up-ing the number by 500 more.

Till I achieve thoes legs, waist, and arms, my diet will continue~!
Happy Dieting :D

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was with you so we could jump together.
    Literally and metaphorically.
